farewell poem for a headteacher

Can anyone help me finding a farewell.
Show off your wit and charm with a poem (or share one here too)! Read some sample funny farewell poems, then click on for sad goodbye poems too
Eulogy Speech Writing Guide - EulogySpeech.net - Learn How to Write and Deliver a Memorable Eulogy and Find Free Eulogy Speech Examples and Eulogy Samples, Funeral
Farewell Poems- Poets.org - Poetry,.
Read poems on farewell. Best farewell poems. poem about farewells.
Farewell poems take an astounding variety of forms: poets have found it necessary, over the ages, to say goodbye not only to lovers, friends, and family, but also to
My dear friends how sad am I On this fateful day to say goodbye
Goodbye poems for boss can be sentimental, emotional as well as funny! Read the following article and be inspired!
Poem for a special event : Graduation.
FAREWELL POEMS Goodbye Poems for Boss - Boss Farewell.
07.12.2007 · Best Answer: Poems About: FAREWELL http://www.poemhunter.com/poems/farewell… Just wrote this down: ----- You've been a friend, besides a boss. And I
Farewell Poem for a Colleague Leaving |. Poetry is a timeless art that has brought entertainment to people over many, many generations. Poems can make a person laugh, or bring them to tears.
Poem for a special event : Graduation.
farewell poem for a headteacher
farewell poem for a headteacher
Farewell Poem to Co-Workers.